A lot of website hosting and server hosting companies say that they offer unlimited resource hosting service. Is this claim true or is it for marketing purposes only? In this lesson, the MYHOST of Hosting team will explain the reality of Unlimited Web Hosting and whether it really exists or not in detail!
Have you ever heard of the term “unlimited hosting”?
In this lesson of the basics of web hosting, we will take a more comprehensive look at unlimited hosting and is it a real thing or is it a marketing lie from web hosting companies?
We often meet the term “unlimited hosting” or “unlimited hosting”, whether in Arab or foreign hosting companies that use resonant terms such as unlimited storage space or unlimited bandwidth data transfer.
But the question that puzzles many is, is there unlimited hosting?
Is there unlimited hosting?
The final answer to this question is no, there is no unlimited hosting. If you want more details on why there is no unlimited hosting, continue reading the article.
First, what does the term “unlimited” mean? Unlimited means that you can store files without end, and these files can be downloaded from your site by an unlimited number of visitors, that is, the amount of data transfer between the hosting server and visitors’ devices has no limits, and this is completely unrealistic, and I will explain the technical reasons behind this below.
Why is there no unlimited storage?
You should know that a hosting server is a computer, but with higher features than regular computers. Therefore, it consists of a hard disk in order to store files and databases, and certainly hard disks have limited storage spaces, so the possibility of obtaining a hard disk on which files can be stored without limits is in fact not possible at all ─ at least for the time being and the near future, God alone knows what the future holds for us ─ so the storage space of the server is limited to the capacity of the hard disk and therefore the storage space of the sites on the server is Also limited. That’s why there’s never unlimited storage..
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Why is there no unlimited data transfer amount?
As I mentioned earlier, a server is a computer and the data that is transferred between the server and the user’s computer is transmitted over the Internet. In order for this data to be transmitted, the server must be connected to the Internet via an Internet cable. Since the Internet cable has a specific speed, the amount of data that is transferred between the server and users’ devices such as site pages, images, videos and other files moves at a certain speed, which is the speed of the server’s connection to the Internet.
To illustrate the example better, here’s a simple example:
Let’s assume that the server is connected to a speed of 1 GB / s (in fact, the speed of the Internet cable is measured in bits, not bytes bytes = 8 bits, but I put forward this example so that it is easier to calculate the size of the data)
So the maximum amount of data that can be transferred to or from the server is 1 GB per second, meaning that there are limits to the amount of data transfer “bandwidth” and therefore there is no unlimited data transfer amount.
For your information: It is very difficult, if not impossible, to find a server that connects to the Internet at a speed of 1 GB per second because this connection has a very high cost on the hosting company’s data center, and most companies use one or several lines with a capacity of 1 gigabit / s for each of them to connect the entire data center, which may have hundreds of servers, and if the server itself connects to the Internet at a speed of 1 gigabit / s, which is rare, the amount of data transfer is 1000 ÷ 8 = 125 MB / s And imagine that this server is a shared hosting server and there are dozens or hundreds of sites hosted on it. How much will be the share of one site?!
So why do companies use the term “unlimited hosting”?
The term unlimited hosting was created for marketing purposes only so that the company brings ne
w users who are deceived by these powerful and resonant terms such as “unlimited storage space or unlimited data transfer amount and the list goes on… In order to bring the user and after his site grows, the company stops the site and offers him to upgrade the hosting plan, so he will have no choice but to upgrade the hosting and pay more money.
In fact, you see in the control panel what the hosting company wants, not the truth. Companies rely on the fact that users will not exceed the capacity of the server’s resources, and if one of them bypasses the company’s terms of use, which are often hidden in one of the parts of the company’s site and will not pay attention to them until after subscribing, they will do one of these three things:
Automatically delete user files without his knowledge in order to save space on the server’s hard drive for other users.
Delete the user account and site(s) on it without notice.
Or inform the user in order to upgrade the hosting service and move to a higher plan that provides more storage space and a larger amount of data transfer such as virtual servers, cloud hosting, or full servers. And this is if the company has a good reputation and cares about its users like the companies in the list of the best web hosting company.
Is unlimited hosting useful?What does the hosting MYHOST advise?
In most cases, beginner sites will not exceed the permissible hosting limits, so unlimited hosting is often good because it prevents you from thinking about how much you consume hosting resources. But you should take into account that you upgrade your website hosting to higher hosting if required in order to avoid problems that may occur such as the site is slow or stops working.
Also pay attention to the company’s policies and read the company’s usage policy carefully before subscribing and if necessary, you can message them and tell them that you will store a certain area of files on the hosting, they will tell you the maximum limit for storing files.
Among the most important hosting companies that offer unlimited hosting are A2 Hosting, iPage, DreamHost hosting, and others.
Do you have previous experience with unlimited hosting or do you have an opinion that you would like to share with us? Please let us know via the comments below.
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